Oteviraci hodiny dnes pro Brio

Zavreno dnes

Dnes uzavřený
  • Pondělí (dnes): Zavreno dnes
  • Úterý: Zavreno
  • Středa: Zavreno
  • Čtvrtek: Zavreno
  • Pátek: Zavreno
  • Sobota: Zavreno
  • Neděle: Zavreno


🕗 Brio Oteviraci doba v Helsinki, 00930

00930 Itäkatu 3 Helsinki, fi
Puh. +46 40 619 40 00
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BRIO was founded in 1884 in Osby, a small town located in southern Sweden. Today, the small family-run business has grown into the global company BRIO AB, with subsidiaries in Germany, France and Japan and distributors around the world. BRIO´s product portfolio currently consists of numerous toys but also games for the whole family under the brand Alga. BRIO’s head office has been located in Malmö since 2006. BRIO as a whole employs around 70 people and is represented in about 20 countries.


Nejbližší Brio větev, Brio Anttila Helsinki

Name it Helsinki, ITIS, Helsinki

Itäkatu 1-5, 134.3 m

Dnes uzavřený

Emmaljunga Helsinki Lastentarvike Itis, Helsinki

Turunlinnantie 2 B, 148.0 m

Dnes uzavřený

Brio Anttila Espoo, Espoo

Leppävaarankatu 3-9, 15.1 km

Dnes uzavřený

Brio Anttila Oy Helsinki, Helsinki

Salomonkatu 13, 9.6 km

Dnes uzavřený

Brio Homejoy Group Oy Helsinki, Helsinki

Itälahdenkatu 20 B, 4. krs, 13.1 km

Dnes uzavřený

BR-Lelut Helsinki Itäkeskus, Helsinki

Itäkeskus, 245.8 m

Otevírá v 09:00 dnes